
Malaysia really needs people with integrity, both in our corporate world and also in our national leadership.

I am absolutely sure that you have either used the word "integrity" yourself to describe how you expect someone to behave towards you, or you have had that word used on you, when someone is asking something of you.

While it describes innumerable emotions, most of all, it is used to draw attention to ethical behaviour, honesty and trustworthiness, or conversely, the lack of it.

Integrity is about doing the right thing, regardless of circumstances, convenience, or alliances.

In my experience, people who act without integrity tend to say that the world is so competitive, and therefore, to get ahead, or to even stay afloat, they had no choice but to behave without paying much heed to the ethics of their actions.

Of course, the world is a vigorous place, and tactical thinking plays a crucial role in ensuring you have upward mobility, and that you achieve success in whatever you want. But, shouldn't you hold yourself to certain standards of integrity, at all times?

If you are a leader of people, an entrepreneur, or a business owner, I strongly recommend that you accept the reality that you'll be held to a much higher standard of integrity, than others.

The lack of integrity leads to distrust.

When you question someone's trustworthiness, they will not retort back by accepting that you should not trust them. The dishonesty in people is mostly hidden.

For example, in numerous organisations, the people who should speak up don't. Beneath the curated veneer of many companies, employees tend to withhold full disclosure about what is actually happening at the ground level. And in my work, when I really investigate why employees are not frank, it always becomes apparent that there is a palpable distrust between the people working in that company.

Business owners, and leaders think that their duty is to be optimistic all the time. They feel that being buoyant will keep their teams motivated. But my recommendation is if you are leader, the next time you have a strategy meeting, look carefully at what are the real sentiments of your team.

Are there deep-seated undercurrents of suspicion that exist? Are your line leaders creating smoke and mirrors to cover up the truth? Do people only want vague discussions or are they offering objective views that are supported by workplace evidence?

As a leader, you must trust your people, and the same time believe in your ability to lead. This way, you can give an accurate picture of where your company is, and offer a pathway to growth.

And, all this can only happen when you are honourable yourself; create an environment at your workplace that fosters the growth of integrity in others; and hold yourself, and everyone with you, accountable for acting with honesty.

The next thing I realise in companies and organisations where there is a lack of integrity, is the prevalence of apathy or indifference.

In dealing with a client recently, I worked out through my conversations with the executives there that many were unable to give clear explanations about their own work, or offer definitive opinions, or even show concrete involvement in what happens there.

Capacity was not the problem, but instead it seemed that they were all just disinterested. And, because of this lackadaisical attitude, their chances of personal growth were slim to none, and utterly unpredictable.

In my businesses, I know that an indifferent employee will make it difficult for me to grow when opportunities arise. Apathetic people don't possess the skills to notice, seize, and act on any unexpected breaks that present themselves.

Many people mistake the lack of integrity for indifference.

Remember, in life and at work, when you spot an integrity-deficient person, do not ignore their ability to disrupt your progress.

If your line manager at work offers an untruth to the CEO, you know that in time, they will have no qualms about throwing you under the proverbial bus. And, as a line manager, if you catch your down-liner rolling their eyes at your CEO while you struggle to explain something, don't disregard this as a harmless attempt to curry favour with the big boss.

These subtle hints offer you an indication of a person's integrity or rather the lack of it.

Avoid associating yourself with people who don't behave with honour. Having them in your company will serve to grow distrust and disinterest in good people. And, having them in your circle of influence will mean that they will breed toxicity around you.

Behave with integrity, but also demand that people around you do the same. This call is the same for our workplaces, and our nation. Because if not, the consequences will be dire for both.
