From August 2016 onwards, TMEF® will proceed with the objective of guiding the SMEs on how to implement GST in the adequate & meticulous ways. In such of an augmented business era, it is essential for all business owners to envelop themselves with the fundamentals of GST submission know-how.

It is crucial for SME businesses, which registered for GST to be cultivated with proper record-keeping proceedings in furtherance of preventing strict penalties imposed by the Government for any imprecise tax accounting. Furthermore, the limited resources of most SME businesses, omission and inadequate administration processes could prove extremely costly.

Learn from Royal Malaysian Customs Department and they will be sharing with you on the common mistake made by the SME’s and the do’s and don’t while doing the submission. Learn how to prepare a proper GST Submission for custom audit and what is the correct element that auditors need while auditing the GST form.

Be the first to learn about the latest GST updates as we will be working hand-in-hand with the Royal Malaysian Customs Department to share with you the latest changes on the system exclusively via the TMEF® All New GST Conference 2016!
